
高徳院 (山門)Kotoku-in Temple (Sanmon)

鎌倉大仏 (高徳院) 宗派: 浄土宗 本尊: 阿弥陀如来 所在地: 神奈川県鎌倉市長谷4丁目2番28号 山号: 大異山

Kamakura Daibutsu (Kotokuin) Sect: Jodo sect Principal image: Amida Nyorai Location: 4-2-28 Hase, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture Sango: Daiizan

高徳院(こうとくいん)は、神奈川県鎌倉市長谷にある浄土宗の寺院。本尊は国宝銅造阿弥陀如来坐像の鎌倉大仏[1]。正式には大異山高徳院清浄泉寺(だいいざん こうとくいん しょうじょうせんじ)と号する。開基(創立者)と開山(初代住職)はともに不詳。 2004年(平成16年)2月27日、境内一帯が「鎌倉大仏殿跡」の名称で国の史跡に指定された。なお、大仏の造立経緯や、大仏殿の倒壊時期については諸説ある。 近世以前に造立された大仏について、東大寺大仏 (現存)、鎌倉大仏 (現存)、雲居寺大仏 (現存せず)東福寺大仏 (現存せず)、方広寺の京の大仏 (現存せず)などの大仏が挙げられるが、天災や戦乱で失われたものが多く、鎌倉大仏は、造立当初の姿をよくとどめている貴重な存在である[4]。 江戸時代には、鎌倉大仏 (像高約11.39m)、東大寺大仏 (像高約14.7m)、方広寺大仏(京の大仏)(像高約19m) の三尊が、日本三大仏と称されていた。 現在の住職は慶應義塾大学教授でもある佐藤孝雄が務めている。

Kotokuin is a temple of the Jodo sect located in Hase, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The principal object of worship is the Great Buddha of Kamakura [1], which is a seated statue of Amida Nyorai made of bronze, a national treasure. Officially, it is called Daiizan Kotokuin Shojosenji. The founder (founder) and founder (first chief priest) are both unknown. On February 27, 2004, the entire precinct was designated as a national historic site under the name of 'Kamakura Great Buddha Hall Ruins'. There are various theories about how the Great Buddha was built and when the Great Buddha Hall collapsed. The Great Buddha of Todai-jiTemple (existing), the Great Buddha of Kamakura (existing), the Great Buddha of Kumoi-ji Temple (not existing), the Great Buddha of Tofukuji Temple (not existing), the Great Buddha of Kyoto at Hoko-ji Temple (not existing), etc.The Great Buddha of Kamakura is an example, but many of them were lost due to natural disasters and wars, and the GreatBuddha of Kamakura is a precious existence that retains its original appearance.[4] In the Edo period, the Great Buddha of Kamakura (approximately 11.39m in height), the Great Buddha of Todaiji (approximately 14.7m in height), and the Great Buddha of Hokoji (Great Buddha of Kyoto) (approximately 19m in height) were known as the Three Great Buddhas of Japan. It had been. The current head priest is Keio University professor Takao Sato.

大仏様のわらじ Straw sandals of Great Buddha

宗旨: 浄土宗(浄土教) 山号: 海光山 所在地: 神奈川県鎌倉市長谷3丁目11番2号 院号: 慈照院Hasedera Buddhism: Pure Land Buddhism (PureLand Buddhism) Mountain name: Kaikozan Location: 3-11-2 Hase, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture Temple name: Jisho-in Temple

山門 temple gate

観音堂 Kannondo


阿弥陀如来像 Statue of Amida Nyorai

鐘楼 bell tower

佐江戸せせらぎ水辺 Saedo murmuring waterfront

都築水再生センターから流れるきれいな水に多くの錦鯉が泳いでいます。 『きれいな水100選』にも選出されているせせらぎでシーズンには蛍やカワセミがみられるそうです。

 ららぽーと横浜のすぐそばにあり住宅街の中を静かに流れる様子は山陰の小京都 萩津・津和野を思い出されます。Many Nishikigoi swim in the clean water flowing from Tsuzuki Water Reclamation Center. It is said that fireflies and kingfishers can be seen in the murmuring that has beenselected as one of the "Top 100 clean waters".
Located right next to LaLaport Yokohama, the quiet flow through the residential area reminds me of Hagitsu and Tsuwano, a small Kyoto in the San'in region.




横浜市都築区東方町 江川せせらぎ緑道(Eegawa seserai green road tsuduki word , Yokohama city)














Kawasaki Daishi

所在地: 〒210-0816 神奈川県川崎市川崎区大師町4−48
建設: 1128年
寺格: 大本山
本尊: 弘法大師
山号: 金剛山

Hiramaji is the main temple of the Shingon Buddhism Tochiyama school in Kawasaki-ku, Kanagawa Prefecture. Built in 1128. It is commonly known as Kawasaki Daishi. The mountain number is Mount Kongo. The hospital name is Kinjoin. Opening Shunken and Opening Hirama. As of 2008, Takashi Fujita, the 45th and Zhongxing II, will act as the leader.

Location: 4-48 Daishi-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 210-0816, Japan

Construction: 1128


Takeru: Kobo Daishi

Mountain: Mount Kongo



門前までの道筋に売店が並ぶ Shops line up along the way to the gate




Oyamamon was erected in 1977 as a commemorative project for the founding of the mountain 850 years. This Oyama-mon is the main gate of the demarcation territory that covers the temple tower. On the four sides of the gate, there are statues of Mochikokuten [eastern], Zochoten [south], Hiromokuten [west], and Tamonten [north], which imitate the statue of Shitenno, the national treasure of Kyoto and Toji.




The main hall was defeated in May 1964, a memorial service for the opening of the Yoshitomo Toyama Opening. In the hall, various Buddhas, such as Fudo Myo and Aizen Myo, are enshrined in the center of the main shrine. Oguma is practiced every day in the main temple, and we pray for world peace, national peace, and layman's safety. In addition, the chrysanthemum emblem is permitted in the main building of the main hall due to the reason that it has been lined up at the temple of the temple since ancient times.


Octagonal pagoda


The octagonal five-storied pagoda was commemorated to commemorate the opening of the Yoshitomo Toyama Grand Opening in 1984 and the mourning of the Kobo Daishi in 1150. Considering the harmony between the precincts and the temples, the five-storied pagoda of this mountain is brilliantly and elegantly designed to match the style of the Shingon.

拝観日:3月21日~12月20日の第1日曜日、ご縁日(21日) Visiting day: The first Sunday from March 21st to December 20th, the fair (21st)






The current Fudodo was destroyed in April 1964. The statue of Mihonson/Fudo Myojoson is a solicitation and service of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple.

Farewell day: Every month 28th 3:00 pm Fudoson Ogoma service training

"Busou Fudoson Temple No. 1 Fudasho"

"Kanto Thirty-Six Fudo Temple No. 7 Fudasho"




The statue of Henro Daishi-son was created as a memorial project for the 1200th anniversary of the birth of Kobo Daishi in 1973, and the eye-opening memorial service was executed in May of the same year. The Henro Daishisai Festival is held on September 20th every year. Many pilgrims are praying for their health and well-being in the pilgrimage to the mountain. In addition, a new Shikoku Eighty-eight place sacred place that connects the statues was also created. It was buried, and the principal deity of each sacred place was greeted here. As a sand pilgrimage site, worshipers from all over the country continue to visit each day.





This bell tower, which was inherited along with Fudomon from a well-known land, is an important building commemorating the postwar reconstruction of Toyama. After the New Year's Eve night devotional music is performed every year, the bell of the night exodus rings in the precincts from midnight on New Year's Day.

Main beating date and time: Midnight on January 1 (Bell of nighttime)

2:46 pm on March 11 (Memorial to the Great East Japan Earthquake)

June 10 noon (memorial day) August 6: 8:15 am (Hiroshima Atomic Bomb)

11:02 am, August 9 (Nagasaki Atomic Bomb)

Noon on August 15 (anniversary of the end of the war)


Peace bridge

災難を除き、幸福を招くといわれる朱色に塗られ、欄干には、悟りへと向かう段階(発心・ほっしん、修行・しゅぎょう、菩提・ぼだい、涅槃・ねはん)を表す種子(しゅじ)(梵字) 20文字が刻まれています。

Painted in a vermilion color that is said to bring happiness except for disasters, the parapet has seeds that represent the stage toward enlightenment (spirit/hoshin, training/shugyo, bodhi/bodai, nirvana/nehan). (Bonji) 20 characters are engraved. You can cross the Yasuragi Bridge along the parapet and visit the statue of Shaka Nyorai, Yakushiden (Yakushi Nyorai).




Yakushiden opened on November 1, 2008 as a commemorative project for the 880th anniversary of the founding of Toyama. Inside the temple, there are 12 statues of Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai, a sacred god who protects those who believe in Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai. In addition, you can pray for the health of your body and the healing of your illness by striking and stroking a pharmacist who is a deity of the main priest, Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai.


Shotoku Prince Hall


This is the hall where the statue of Prince Shotoku, which was dedicated in 1966 by various craftsmen, is held. In commemoration of the 2014 Opening Service, the Kawasaki Ancient Fire Fighting Memorial became the owner and renovation work was done. Every year on February 22nd, the Shotoku Prince Year Festival is held, and after the annual festival, a wonderful ladder ride will be dedicated by members of the Kawasaki Wakatokai in front of the Prince Hall.




神奈川県鎌倉市二階堂154 154 Nikaido, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture


Kamakura Shrine is a shrine that worships Otomiya and Morinaga Shinnou.


Kamakura Palace front



Precinct entrance torii


The inlet side of the lantern and you cleanse far from


Origin of Kamakura Shrine


Substitute of Kamakura Shrine

その昔、戦の際に新王の鎧兜を纏い親王の 身代りとなった武士村上義隆様の像その言い伝えは幕府の二階堂貞藤の軍が、後醍醐天皇の皇子、 護良(もりなが)親王が立てこもる吉野の山城に攻めて来て、陥落寸前まで追い詰められ、護良親王は「もはやこれまで」と覚悟を決めて、別れの酒宴を開かれたそうです。

そこへ体中に矢の刺さった姿で村上義隆様が現われ、 護良親王に鎧や直垂を脱いで頂いてご自分が着用し、「私は護良親王だ。腹を切る手本にせよ!」と言うと見事に腹を切り、壮絶な最期を遂げられたそうです。


A long time ago, a statue of Yoshitaka Murakami, a samurai who replaced the new king's armor helmet during the war in the old days. It seems that he attacked the mountain castle of Yoshino where he was standing up, and was cornered to the verge of falling, and the prodigy Gora decided to "not be so far" and held a farewell party. Mr. Yoshitaka Murakami appeared with an arrow stuck in his body, and he took off his armor and hanging from himself and said, "I'm a good guard. Use it as a model to cut your stomach!" It was said that he was very hungry and had a fierce end. In the meantime, the good-grandchild was detained, but he was finally captured by the Shogunate army and imprisoned in a dungeon and died. There is a legend that stroking an image cures one's bad parts.


The origin of the Kamakura lion head

獅子頭は幸運招来の守護として授与さえています。獅子が年中行事の重要な地位を占めるのに至りましたのは遠く唐の太宋の時代 『五方獅子舞』と称される文献に記せられたのが初見のようです。


The lion head is even awarded as a guardian of good luck. It seems that it was the first time that the lion reached the important position of the annual event when it was written in the literature called "Five-sided lion dance" in the era of the Tang Dynasty in Tang Dynasty. In Japan, it was believed that there was a divine power to pay the devil after it was transmitted by Baekje Hinomayuki when he was Emperor Suiko, and he built important lichens at other places during the annual event. .. In Taiheiki, there is a statement such as "Put the cheek under your eyes against the lion's head."


luxury liner

全長 252.90m
全幅 32.15m
乗客定員 2,394名
就航 1996年7月
船籍 イタリア
運航会社 コスタ・クルーズ
特徴 2012年10月横浜港初入港。2013年から

Length 252.90m

Width 32.15m

Passenger capacity 2,394

Launched July 1996

Costa Cruise Italian

Cruise company Features October 2012 First arrival at Yokohama Port.